
Generically, spatial resolution defines the level of detail at which you can resolve the physical features of a dataset. The spatial resolution also limits the achievable level of spatial accuracy for your model. For more information on spatial accuracy, see Spatial Scale & Control


The spectral resolution specifically applies to passive imaging sensors. It is a measure of how narrow a band of light can be captured and quantified. Required spectral resolution depends on the uniqueness of the spectral reflectance of your intended target. The more unique (or narrow) the signature, the higher spectral resolution required.

For a detailed analysis of spectral signatures, the data must be spectrally calibrated. See Spectral under Control & Calibration.


Generically, spatial resolution defines the level of detail at which you can resolve the physical features of a dataset. Spatial resolution also limits the achievable level of spatial accuracy for your model. For more information on spatial accuracy, see Spatial Scale & Control